{% set icon_facebook %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-icon/icon.twig' with {
name: 'facebook-solid',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set icon_twitter %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-icon/icon.twig' with {
name: 'twitter-solid',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set icon_linkedin %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-icon/icon.twig' with {
name: 'linkedin-solid',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set icon_email %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-icon/icon.twig' with {
name: 'email',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set icon_more %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-icon/icon.twig' with {
name: 'more',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set icon_pencil %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-icon/icon.twig' with {
name: 'pencil',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set icon_share %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-icon/icon.twig' with {
name: 'share',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set icon_pega_setting %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-icon/icon.twig' with {
name: 'pega-setting',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set actions %}
{% set popover_trigger %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with {
content: 'Share profile',
icon_only: icon_share,
hierarchy: 'tertiary',
border_radius: 'full',
size: 'xsmall',
attributes: {
type: 'button',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set popover_menu %}
{% include '@bolt-components-menu/menu.twig' with {
title: 'Share profile',
items: [
content: 'Facebook',
icon_before: icon_facebook,
url: 'https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https://boltdesignsystem.com&src=sdkpreparse',
attributes: {
target: '_blank',
content: 'Twitter',
icon_before: icon_twitter,
url: 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=https://boltdesignsystem.com&text=Sample%20Share%20Text&via=pega&hashtags=boltDesignSystemRocks!',
attributes: {
target: '_blank',
content: 'LinkedIn',
icon_before: icon_linkedin,
url: 'https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?url=https://boltdesignsystem.com',
attributes: {
target: '_blank',
content: 'Email',
icon_before: icon_email,
url: 'mailto:?&body=Sample%20Text%20--%20https%3A//boltdesignsystem.com',
attributes: {
target: '_blank',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-components-popover/popover.twig' with {
trigger: popover_trigger,
content: popover_menu,
spacing: 'none',
placement: 'bottom-end',
trigger_event: 'hover',
} only %}
{% set popover_trigger %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with {
content: 'More options',
icon_only: icon_more,
hierarchy: 'tertiary',
border_radius: 'full',
size: 'xsmall',
attributes: {
type: 'button',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set popover_menu %}
{% include '@bolt-components-menu/menu.twig' with {
title: 'More options',
items: [
content: 'Edit profile',
icon_before: icon_pencil,
content: 'Settings',
icon_before: icon_pega_setting,
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-components-popover/popover.twig' with {
trigger: popover_trigger,
content: popover_menu,
spacing: 'none',
placement: 'bottom-end',
trigger_event: 'hover',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set chips %}
{% include '@bolt-components-chip/chip.twig' with {
text: 'Member since 2017',
border_radius: 'small',
} only %}
{% include '@bolt-components-chip/chip.twig' with {
text: 'Developer',
color: 'orange',
border_radius: 'small',
} only %}
{% include '@bolt-components-chip/chip.twig' with {
text: 'Available for hire',
color: 'teal',
border_radius: 'small',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-components-profile/profile.twig' with {
first_name: 'Toni',
last_name: 'Kukoc',
username: 'thepinkpanther',
job_title: 'Lead System Architect',
location: 'Croatia',
actions: actions,
chips: chips,
stats: [
number: '15',
label: 'Achievements',
attributes: {
type: 'button',
number: '3k',
label: 'Contributions',
attributes: {
type: 'button',
message: {
label: 'Send message',
attributes: {
href: '#!',
full_bleed: true,
attributes: {
class: 't-bolt-gray-xlight',
} only %}