By setting the content_spacing or trigger_spacing prop to an Accordion Item, the default spacing value inherited from the parent Accordion can be optionally overridden.

Basic usage: spacing

Using spacing will uniformly set the same spacing on both the trigger and the content.

Spacing: none
This entire accordion has the spacing prop defined.
Spacing: small
This entire accordion has the spacing prop defined.
Spacing: medium
This entire accordion has the spacing prop defined.

Advanced usage: content spacing

Using content_spacing will only set the spacing on the content container. This should only be used if you don't want the same spacing on both the trigger and the content.

Content spacing: none
This item has the content_spacing prop defined.
Content spacing: small
This item has the content_spacing prop defined.
Content spacing: medium
This item has the content_spacing prop defined.

Advanced usage: trigger spacing

Using trigger_spacing will only set the spacing on the trigger container. This should only be used if you don't want the same spacing on both the trigger and the content.

Trigger spacing: none
This item has the trigger_spacing prop defined.
Trigger spacing: small
This item has the trigger_spacing prop defined.
Trigger spacing: medium
This item has the trigger_spacing prop defined.